Jeff's Toy Page
Check out these construction photos of our new toy box. Point to a window and read the description. Click in the front yard for aerial photos.
Hi, I'm Jeff, and I'm a toyaholic. I loved gadgets and big, expensive toys!
I got married in May, 1998 to the lovely Ms Lisa. We're now a three-car,
two-motorcycle family!
Here's the
lovely couple, the King and Queen of Toys.
Whoever dies with the most toys, wins!
Just what kind of toys are we talking about, anyway? Most of my toys didn't come from a
toy store.
- A toy is something you want, but don't necessarily need.
- A premium version of a common object might be a toy.
- Something might be considered a toy based on how you use it.
- A collection or container of toys may be a toy in itself.
- Kids' toys for kids don't count. Kids' toys for adults do count.
- Fine jewelry can be a toy.
- A toy is an object that you ask for, and that your SO responds to with the phrase, "Dream on..."
(The fabulous Ms. Lisa says, "if it'll make you happy, go for it!")
The following may be cool ways to spend money, but they are NOT toys:
- vacations
- massages
- flying or skydiving lessons (hopefully not at the same time!)
- expensive restaurant dinners
- an engagement ring
Why am I the King of Toys? It all started because I was a single guy of 25 with
three vehicles. So why not the King of Vehicles? Because the 22" picture-in-picture on my TV is
bigger than some people's primary TV. It's all about the toys...
How do we get there from here?
The goal is to have fun during the journey, not just at the destination.
- 1968 Corvette 427 roadster (red, or course)
- Suzuki GS850L and Arai Quantum/e Xana-2 helmet
- Yamaha Virago 535s and AGV X-Vent Rossi Imola Black replica helmet
- race-winning, mighty Explorer 4x4 Sport
- super Saab 900S
- 18 speed mountain bike
- 16' wood and fiberglass canoe
What am I watching?
Our DVD collection is now online. Check it out!
We have a Sony DVP-S7700
feeding a 70" Mitsubishi RPTV. Now that I've said that, please don't come over and steal my DVD player. It
would prove someone right who said that thieves use web sites as shopping lists - and that would upset me more
than losing my player.
Are you getting hungry?
We've designed a gourmet kitchen in the new toy shack: black granite counters, cherry
cabinets, with a Thermador cooktop
and double convection
I also have a new grill with six burners
plus a side burner. At one party last fall we had to borrow a grill (how embarrassing) because
my old one was too small.
Why build a new house?
- a three-car garage!
- in-wall and in-ceiling speakers throughout the toy shack with 1500' of 14 gauge speaker
wire! Doesn't everyone need speakers in their garage? Next time I'd use 4 conductor wire
to make it easier to pull through the walls and floor. I got a great 8-pair speaker distribution
panel at
- X-10 home automation, of course (but not voice controlled yet)
Your special gift for reading this far - Click here for a
free $15 gift
voucher to get started on home automation!
- jacuzzi
- central air
- phone and cable in every room
- the family room was redesigned to fit the 70" RPTV.
What's on my shopping list?
- Well, I could use a new bike...
Honda ST1300
/Suzuki Bandit 1200S
/Yamaha FZ1000
/Yamaha FJR1300?
- And my speakers could use more power... a Bryston
6B-SST (3x300 watt)would be perfect!
- I was one of four beta testers for the new Outlaw Audio
Model 950 pre-amp. Best bang-for-the-buck around.
- Our game room needs a pool table - we've already got a standing dart game,
and a Tornado Storm II foosball table
- A satellite dish would be nice.
- Friends say we need a garden tractor. I have a great self-propelled 6.75
HP lawnmower, so the tractor can wait. It takes
2 hours to mow our lawn. We have 2 acres, but half of it is wooded.
- We're gonna need lots and lots of DVDs! Watching at home is
usually better than the theater.
- GPS - haven't decided between hand-held or fixed-mount. Probably should get both. My top
choice is the Garmin GPS V or maybe the new iQue 3600.
Friends and Family
Not enough of my friends have web sites. Here are a few that do.
Interesting Links - A home audio/video retailer and information site.
I'm impressed by their integrity.
Garrett's Popcorn - A must visit when you're in Chicago.
JandR Audio
- I
signed up to be an affiliate, so now I can say, "in association with JandR" when I recommend something.
Current recommendation: AudioSource AmpThree 150 watt stereo amplifier. $550 list, but J&R has it for only $380.
I have two - one powering the surround speakers, and one for the speakers in our kitchen, dining room, library, garage, and game room. Pluses: lots of
power, clean sound, and a low price. Minus: it can get hot when pushed hard.
Son of Barry's Temple of Godzilla
The Weather Channel
Leonard's Live Web Cams
Hollywood Stock Exchange (recent high= $51.8M and ranked at 9,771 out of 459,972 players - please use jhebert as a referral if you sign up!)
Daniel Webster College
my AXP chapter at RPI
And the counter says: